Wednesday, January 29, 2014

If You Can Make it There….Oh Hell it Doesn’t Matter!

Well, I’m home again…sort of.

For five years after I graduated high school I lived in the bustling metropolis that is Los Angeles, convinced that L.A. was the only place I could make my dreams come true. Now as I write this I am sitting in my New Orleans townhouse enjoying a wonderful winter day and honestly not at all missing the sunshine.

Why did I move? Let Me Count the Reasons!
It was a hard decision, moving from Hollywood to the Big Easy, but one that had to be made. You see I had gotten stuck. I had graduated from the prestigious AADA and after three years of busting my hump I little to show for it, creatively. I was in a corporate job, moving up the ladder, but I wasn’t happy. I was playing the same roles over and over again and had become complacent. It wasn’t that there wasn’t any opportunity for my artistic life there, it was that I didn’t care. The city no longer excited me, the smoke and mirrors had faded away and I personally didn’t care for what I saw.

Do what Scares You!
After some serious evaluation and discussions with my roommate and writing partner, Emily Martens, we decided that perhaps the City of Angels wasn’t the right place for either of us. We knew New Orleans was on an upward swing in the entertainment industry and after taking a trip down south for Mardi Gras it just felt right. So six months later we were on the road headed South, and haven’t looked back.

You Might Be One Choice Away From a Happy Ending
I’ve gotten far more work here than I ever did in L.A., and more than that, I feel like New Orleans feeds my creativity. We are on the brink of releasing a brand new book series called Death of Eden, working on multiple writing projects, constantly on set, and meeting wonderful people in the process. I don’t miss Los Angeles in the least, of course I miss my friends. Some of the greatest people I’ve ever met are back in the Valley and leaving them hurt my heart, but the city was hurting my soul.  

I don’t write any of this to bash L.A. or tear it down, I really don’t. For some it is absolutely the right place to be. It just wasn’t for me. The point is, don’t trap yourself into thinking that there is only one path for your dreams.  YOU make them happen, and with courage and a little creativity you can make them happen anywhere. Hollywood might be a great place for actors but it’s not the ONLY place for them! Looking back, I would never trade my time there for anything, but I am so proud to now say I live in LA not L.A.

Peace, Love and Belles!