Friday, January 2, 2015

Things My Nieces Taught Me

I have two beautiful nieces, Kate and Emalyn. They are both so breathtaking and unique it’s hard to believe that they’re real. It’s hard to believe these two precious beings exist and that I get to be a part of their life. I get to watch them grow and learn and become two women the world has never seen before. I get to help them do that, I get to teach them things, but recently I realized something. It’s not about what I get to teach them, it’s about what they are teaching me. These are just a few lessons I’ve learned from my nieces.
             Live like no one is watching 
       Not just sing and dance, but live! My niece Emalyn, who is 3, was the recipient of an Elsa dress this Christmas. This was not any Elsa dress, this dress sang. When you pushed a button on the bodice “Let It Go” rang out all over the house, and Emalyn loved it. She sang, danced, and shot magic out of her hand with not even a hint of embarrassment. If only we could go after our passions with such abandonment. If only adults could forget about what anyone might think of their dreams and chase them as far as they could. What a life that would be.

      To treasure every moment of life 
       My oldest niece Kate is 7, and it seems every day is an adventure for her. Every day there is a new discovery to be made, and her excitement is contagious. We live in a hard world. One that insists we focus on work and the next dollar, but what if we took a moment to enjoy the world around us? What if we let ourselves get as excited as a 7-year-old. What if we let the laughter in and pushed the stress out?

      To be kind 
      Both my nieces are kind. Whether it’s insisting you have some of their snacks with them, or making sure you have the best hair in the play room, their kindness is evident from the moment you meet them. I think we could all stand to be a little more kind. To share a snack with someone. Imagine what a simple smile could do to someone else’s day.

           To cherish my sister 
       Emalyn and Kate love each other dearly. Kate is an amazing older sister, and Emy admires everything she does. They are good to each other. When you grow up and start to live your own life, it’s easy to take for granted that person who shared their Barbies and clothes with you once upon a time. My nieces remind me to be thankful for my sister, to cherish our memories and make new ones.  After all she made these beautiful girls, so she can’t be all a bad right? ;) 

     We often forget that the children in our life are full of a different kind of wisdom. They have yet to be jaded or scarred by this world and therefore see it in a completely different light. What a marvelous gift it must be, to view the world with the majesty and wonder of a child.

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